File Menu


File:New Project starts a new project whereby the user is immediately prompted for the project type, input units, specification, etc.


File:Open Project brings up a dialog box for selecting a project.  The dialog box will show the location of the last project that was open.  (The user can navigate elsewhere to open another project.)  The user selects the "project.MDX" file to open the project in its last saved state (saves occur either by the user selecting Save, or whenever the user makes any type of run on the Generate menu.)  Archival copies of the project also may be present in the project directory (see "Save Backup Copy" below.)   The project can be restored to an archived state by opening that file instead and then clicking "Save".


File:Save Project saves the current state of the project into "project.MDX".


File:Save Backup Copy saves an archival copy of the project that can be opened and then saved to restore the project to that previous state.


File:Printer Setup allows the user to select the printer and configure the printing format.


File:Close Project closes the project but not the program.  The user is prompted for whether the project is to be saved if unsaved changes to the project are detected.


File:Exit closes the project and the program.  The user is prompted for whether the project is to be saved if unsaved changes to the project are detected.