Line Girder Design Project Procedures


The first phase in a Line Girder Design Project is to establish the girder design input in Design Mode (the menu system starts in this mode in Line Girder Design Projects.)  The user must select Define:Layout which, when selected for the first time, launches the line girder layout wizard.  The user then must provide slab and loading information in Define:Slab and Define:Loading.  Next, the user provides the girder design generation controls by selecting Settings:Design Generation Settings, and generates the girder design with Generate:Girder Design.  If a girder design is generated successfully the menu will automatically switch to Rating Mode and the generated girder will be analyzed.  Finally the user selects Generate:Analysis/Rating to analyze the girder.  Dimensions, properties, and settings can be modified in the Define and Settings menus.  (To generate a girder design again the user must switch the mode menu back to Design Mode.)