Mode Menu


Layout Mode is the first input phase in a Girder System Project. The user must provide the layout information in Define:Layout. (some Define:Slab information also is gathered during this phase.) After the layout is established with Generate:Layout the user must switch the mode menu to Preliminary Analysis Mode in Girder System Design Projects, or Rating Mode in Girder System Rating Projects.


Preliminary Analysis Mode is the second input phase of a Girder System Design Project. The user must provide the loading for the preliminary analysis in Define:Loading. After the preliminary analysis has been generated with Generate:Preliminary Analysis the user must switch the mode menu to Preliminary Design Mode.


Preliminary Design Mode is the third input phase of a Girder System Design Project. After the preliminary design has been generated the user must switch the mode menu to Design Mode.


Design Mode is the fourth input phase of a Girder System Design Project. When all dimensions have been established, including bracing, the user may switch to Rating Mode. This mode is the first phase of a Line Girder Design Project.


Rating Mode is the last input phase of Girder System Projects and Line Girder Design Projects, and the only phase of a Line Girder Rating Project. Design related portions of the menu in Design projects are unavailable when the project is in Rating Mode.