Purpose:  Used to define slab thickness.


-->    Given in girder input.  Also given in girder system input in Girder System Projects.


In girder input, SLABT is the total thickness (including wearing thickness) of the slab (inches or mm).  Can be uniform or by span.  There must be as many values as there are spans if slab thickness is varied by span.


In girder system input, SLABT can be uniform, by girder, or by girder and by span.  There must be as many values as there are girders if slab thickness is varied by girder.  If the slab thickness varies by span, the first n values, where n equals the number of spans, represents the values for girder 1 by span.  The next n values represent the values for girder 2 by span, etc.  However, slab thickness must be uniform if the plate and eccentric beam finite element model is used.  Required data in girder system input when using the plate and eccentric beam finite element model (also see FPC and WCONC and the condition PLATE AND ECCENTRIC BEAM FINITE ELEMENT MODEL ).



Related topics:

Slab Thickness in Girder System Projects

Slab Thickness in Line Girder Projects

Slab Definition Input Reference