Starting the Program


Starting MDX

Select "Launch MDX" from the Desktop


Starting a New Project (if a project is not currently open)

Select "File:New Project", replace "Project Description" with the

name of your new project, select "Open"


Starting a New Project (if a project is currently open)

Select "File:Close Project" or the "Close" button on the toolbar, then select "File:New Project"


Opening an MDX Version 6 Project

Select "File:Open Project" or the "Open" button on the toolbar, select the project folder (it defaults to the last project that was opened), select the .MDX file, select "Open"


Opening a Project that is not in MDX Version 6 format

Select "Open", select the project folder.  Select "Girder System (*.GSA)" if a girder system project.  Select "Line Girder Rating (.R1)" or "Line Girder Design (.G1)" if a line girder project.  (Note:  the MDX Version 6 interface will attempt to convert the project to the MDX Version 6 format, but it is the responsibility of the user to review and correct any errors that may occur.  In general, only minor conversions occur to the girder system input and girder input.  Of particular note, however, is the substantial conversion from the previous bracing input to the new format for bracing input in MDX Version 6.  Contact MDX Software if you need assistance in converting projects to MDX Version 6.