Purpose:  Used to define concentrated composite dead loads in Girder System Projects.  (See PDL2 and PDL2SP for Line Girder Projects.)


-->    Given in girder system input


Concentrated loads (kips or kN) for composite dead loading.  D2CON is followed by a list of four-item groups of values, in which the first value in the group is the magnitude of the concentrated load, the second is the reference girder, the third is the distance from the left bearing of that girder where the load is located, and if the load is on an overhang, the fourth is the offset of the location from the reference girder. (Note: if the load is located between two girders, then, using the lever rule, the appropriate portion must be applied directly to each of those straddling girders and the fourth values would be 0.) The offset is positive if on the overhang by girder 1, and negative if on the overhang by the farside exterior girder.  For example, if a composite dead load of 20 kips is located 35 feet from the left bearing of girder 1 and is 2 feet offset to the right, the load is given as: D2CON 20 1 35 2.  (The next four values in the list would describe a second load.)  A maximum of 1600 such loads can be given. 

Note: these are not specifically construction loads, but for those that are it should be taken into account that GAMMACON only is applied as if it is dead load weight, so a construction related concentrated load might need to be scaled up by the user (to account for the 1.5/GAMMACON ratio that would be the case for LRFD as in, for example.) 


Related topics:

Composite Dead Load in Girder System Projects

Loading Definition Input Reference