Purpose: Used to locate intermediate bracing in parallel/concentric geometry Girder System Projects. (Not applicable to Line Girder Projects.)
--> Given in girder system input
Lists of bracing spacings for girder "i" (feet or meters). For example, BR-1 is a list of the brace spacings along girder 1 for bracing between girder 1 and girder 2. If only BR-1 is given, bracing will be made collinear/radial across the girder system. In the case of box girders, BR-i only represents spacing of bracing that is external to the box cells. (The data item INB-i is used for bracing locations internal to the box girders.)
BR-2 and above only are given for bracing from girder "i" to girder "i+1" when bracing is staggered.
Bracing is automatically assumed between supports of adjacent girders. To remove the bracing along interior supports, see the condition NO BRACING ALONG PIERS.
Intermediate Bracing Locations in Parallel/Concentric Girder System Projects
Layout Definition Input Reference