

Purpose:  Used to locate intermediate bracing in parallel/concentric geometry Girder System Projects.  (Not applicable to Line Girder Projects.)


-->    Given in girder system input 


Lists of bracing spacings for girder "i" (feet or meters).  For example, BR-1 is a list of the brace spacings along girder 1 for bracing between girder 1 and girder 2.  If only BR-1 is given, bracing will be made collinear/radial across the girder system.  In the case of box girders, BR-i only represents spacing of bracing that is external to the box cells.  (The data item INB-i is used for bracing locations internal to the box girders.)




BR-2 and above only are given for bracing from girder "i" to girder "i+1" when bracing is staggered.





Bracing is automatically assumed between supports of adjacent girders.  To remove the bracing along interior supports, see the condition NO BRACING ALONG PIERS.



Related topics:

Intermediate Bracing Locations in Parallel/Concentric Girder System Projects

Layout Definition Input Reference