Layout Definition Input Reference




ADDBNODE        (in g system projects by direct edit only)


ADDMEM            (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Customize Generated Geometry:Adding Bracing)


ADDSUP             (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Customize Generated Geometry:Adding Supports)


ADN-i                 (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Customize Generated Geometry:Adding Nodes to Girders)


BBDL                  (only available by direct editing)


BR                      (generated in system projects)

                          (in line girder projects with Define:Layout:Intermediate Bracing Locations)


BR-i                    (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Bracing Layout:Intermediate Bracing Locations)


BRBF                  (only available by direct editing)


BRINCD              (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Bracing Layout:Bracing Incidences)


BSK-i                  (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Bracing Layout:Intermediate Bracing Skew Angles)


CHGCURVE          (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Horizontal Curvature of Girder 1)


DELMEM              (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Customize Generated Geometry:Removing Bracing)


DELSUP               (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Customize Generated Geometry:Removing Supports)


FAS-i                    (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Partial Fascia Girders)


GCD-i                   (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Girder Coordinates)


GDSPC                 (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Girder Spacing)


HINGE                 (in line girder projects with Define:Layout:Hinges)


HNG-i                  (in system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Hinges)


HTR-i                   (in system projects by direct edit only)


INB-i                   (in system projects by direct edit only)


ISP-i                    (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Integral Supports)

                            (available in g system projects only by direct editing)


ITGSUP                (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Integral Supports)


KFP-i                    (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Springs at Supports)

                            (available in g system projects only by direct editing)


KFT-i                    (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Springs at Supports)

                            (available in g system projects only by direct editing)


KFV-i                    (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Springs at Supports)

                             (available in g system projects only by direct editing)


KMB-i                   (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Springs at Supports)

                            (available in g system projects only by direct editing)


KMT-i                   (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Springs at Supports)

                            (available in g system projects only by direct editing)


NBPIER                (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Bracing Layout:Bracing Along Piers)


NSUPBR               (in line girder projects with Define:Layout:Bracing at Supports)


RAD                     (generated in system projects, not applicable to line girder projects)


RAD-i                   (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Horizontal Curvature of Girder 1)

                            (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Horizontal Curvature)


RCEN                   (generated in system projects, can be modified by direct editing, not applicable to line girder projects)


SKEW-1               (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Support Skew at Girder 1)


SLP-i                    (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Pseudo Supports)


SPN                     (generated in system projects)

                           (in line girder projects with Define:Layout:Span Lengths)


SPN-1                 (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Span Lengths of Girder 1)


STP-i                  (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Support Translation Releases)

                          (in g system projects by direct edit only)


STRLIN              (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Girders Acting as Stringers)

                          (in g system projects by direct edit only)


SUP-i                 (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Support Nodes)






        (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Type of Girders)



        (in system projects by direct edit only)    



        (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Integral Supports)

        (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Supports/Hinges:Support Types)

        (in line girder projects with Define:Layout:Abutment Type)



        (in p/c system projects with Define:Layout:Bracing Layout:Bracing Along Piers)



        (in g system projects with Define:Layout:Horizontal Curvature)



Related topics:

Overview of Parallel/Concentric Girder System Layout Definition

Overview of General Girder System Layout Definition

Overview of Line Girder Layout Definition