Purpose:  Used to remove bracing that is generated in parallel/concentric geometry Girder System Projects.  (Not applicable to Line Girder Projects.)


-->    Given in girder system input


A list of node numbers given in pairs representing nodes between which braces are to be removed.  For example, "DELMEM 113 189 214 398" removes braces between nodes 113 and 189 and between 214 and 398.  Can be used only for parallel/concentric girder system geometry.


Same as ADDMEM except member is deleted instead of added.


(Note: If all braces for a particular node are deleted, that node may still appear in some output tables as a reference.)


If members are to be added as well as deleted, two layout executions are necessary if ADDMEM requires additional nodes (see ADN-i).  This is because adding nodes will shift node labeling which may have been used for the DELMEM command.  The procedure should be: (1) Make a layout run involving only ADDMEM data,  then (2) make an additional layout run involving both ADDMEM and DELMEM data, where node labels used for DELMEM were generated as a result of the first layout run.



Related topics:

Removing Bracing in Parallel/Concentric Girder System Projects

Layout Definition Input Reference