Purpose:  Used to generate output for a statically placed truck load in Girder System Projects.  (Not applicable to Line Girder Projects.)


-->    Given in girder system input 


A list of distances from the right boundaries of the lanes as the lanes are initially located, for static truck placement.  (Also see GPLACE , TPLACE , TLANES and conditions TRUCK HEADING LEFT and TRUCK HEADING RIGHT )  Default is 2 feet or 0.61 meters.  The list is not padded if only one value is given.  Use a subscript, such as LPLACE(3) if, say, only the placement in the third lane is different than the default.  (Note: specific lane locations must be defined for effective use of static truck placement)  The standard truck will be used for static truck placement if both a standard and a nonstandard truck are given.




The standard truck will be used if both a standard and nonstandard truck are given.  Nodal forces and displacements for static truck placement are listed in the output directly from the MDX Software girder system analysis.  Also generates a STRUDL compatible input file "STRUDL.TRK" so that the user can compare the results from the analysis with those obtained from a general structural analysis package.



Related topics:

Analysis Verification Output in Girder System Projects

Output Settings Input Reference