Purpose:  Used to generate output for a statically placed truck load in Girder System Projects.  (Not applicable to Line Girder Projects.)


-->    Given in girder system input  


Tenth point location for static truck placement.  The second axle of each truck is placed in the lanes designated by LPLACE perpendicular from this tenth point location on the girder designated by GPLACE.  (Also see TLANES , TRUCK HEADING LEFT and TRUCK HEADING RIGHT )  The standard truck will be used for static truck placement if both a standard and a nonstandard truck are given.




Nodal forces and displacements for static truck placement are listed in the output directly from the girder system analysis. Also generates a STRUDL compatible input file "STRUDL.TRK" so that the user can compare the results from the analysis with those obtained from a general structural analysis package.



Related topics:

Analysis Verification Output in Girder System Projects

Output Settings Input Reference