Purpose:  Used to define horizontal support translation releases in parallel/concentric geometry Girder System Projects.  (Not applicable to general geometry Girder System Projects where only the grid model is available.)  (Not applicable to Line Girder Projects.)


-->    Given in girder system input


Lists of integers indicating the type of supports on each girder:

        1. pinned against all translation

        2. horizontal release tangential to girder

        3. horizontal release perpendicular to girder

        4. no horizontal support

        5. horizontal release perpendicular to pier

        6. horizontal release parallel to pier

        7. integral support (fully fixed/clamped)


Note: support types 5 and 6 are not available for use in conjunction with horizontal springs.


For example, if the first support on girder 1 is pinned and the second and third supports are released tangent to the girder, the data would be given as:


        STP-1 1 2 2


Note: support translation releases only are effective when using the plate and eccentric beam finite element model, which only is available for parallel/concentric geometry Girder System Projects (see condition PLATE AND ECCENTRIC BEAM FINITE ELEMENT MODEL )



Related topics:

Support Translation Releases in Parallel/Concentric Girder System Projects

Layout Definition Input Reference