- Timesaving geometry generation feature for laying out parallel/concentric girder systems, including those with variable horizontal curvature and skewed supports
- Flexible nodal coordinate input feature for accomodating complex girder system framing plans and roadway layouts
- Standard trucks and user-definable trucks (including rail loading)
- Girder system analysis using grid (i.e. grillage) model, or plate and eccentric beam finite element model
- Line girder (i.e. continuous beam analysis) approach also an option
- Lane loading on influence surfaces or wheel load distribution on influence lines
- Up to 20 spans, 60 girders
- Steel plate I-girders, box girders, rolled shapes
- Any girder web profile
- Bearing stiffeners, intermediate transverse web stiffeners, longitudinal web stiffeners, box girder bottom flange stiffeners
- Uniform or hybrid steel girders
- Girder design generator for ASD, LFD, LRFD
- Bolted web splice design for LFD, LRFD
- Shear connector design
- Weld design
- Camber data and live load deflections
- Incremental stress and deflection tables from slab pour sequence analysis
- Performance ratio output
- Girder rating according to ASD, LFD, LRFD
- Variety of bracing types
- Shape selection for bracing members
- English or metric units, including hard conversion
New Features for Version 6:
- Completely redesigned user interface
- Compact .MDX file format for ease of project archiving and sharing